
Home made : Coconut hand cream


  1. 1/4 cup of beeswax

  2. 1/4 cup coconut oil

  3. 3 tablespoons of baby oil

  4. 1/3 cup of glycerin


  • Melt the beeswax and coconut oil over a double boiler
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and heat until the mix is smooth. This will take around 5 minutes
  • Pour into a clean container. The mix will harden as it cools

Home made : Apricot Hand Scrub


  1. 1 ½ cup of brown sugar

  2. juice of ½ lemon

  3. 2 tablespoons of apricot oil


  • Combine all the ingredients
  • Immediately rub the mix into the hands and continue gently rubbing and massaging
  • Rinse with warm water and pat dry

Homemade : Almond Hand Cream


1.Almond Oil 2 tsp

2. Honey 1 tsp


Mix honey with almond oil and massage on the hands. Put on a pair of old cotton gloves and sleep in them. Wash off the hands in warm soapy water in the morning. The hands will be soft. Repeat it the following night if necessary.

Treatments for Broken Hand

The hand is a marvelously complex part of the human anatomy. Every year, however, millions of people experience broken bones within their hands. Because we are so dependent on our hands, even a small loss of function can result in a lifelong disability. A broken hand will often require a visit to a doctor, and it may require months of rehabilitation care.

Hand fractures are common injuries that can occur in any of the small bones of the hand. Most broken bones in the hand can be treated with a simple cast, however in some cases hand fractures may require surgery for proper treatment.

What You Should Know

Hand fractures can involve a single broken bone or several of them. When the bone next to the little finger is broken, the injury is sometimes called a ""Boxer's fracture.'' This kind of damage is often seen in people who punch walls and those who fight without boxing gloves. Healing of the broken bone(s) usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. An x-ray will show when the fracture has completely mended.

Each hand (not counting the wrist) has 19 bones. That's a lot of potential for fractures. Broken hands are painful, but not life-threatening. If the break is bad enough, there could be a loss of function, or even a loss of part or all of the hand.

Most wrist fractures are on the scaphoid bone, located on the thumb side of your wrist. The biggest challenge in treating wrist fractures is keeping the bones in alignment during healing. If bones shift, your wrist can become misshapen and not function well. Long term, that can cause problems like arthritis and loss of motion.


1. Corticosteroid injection for carpal tunnel improves symptoms in more than half of patients; surgical intervention to release the transverse ligament and decompress the nerve entrapment may be indicated

2. NSAIDs reduce inflammation and use of cock-up splints applied during activities and while sleeping reduces strain from repetitive use and reduces symptoms

3. If you have a closed fracture, you'll probably be sent home with the splint and directions to rest and ice the injury until you see your regular doctor or an orthopedic specialist for further treatment in a few days.

4. If you have a more serious fracture, you may be admitted to the hospital for immediate attention.

5. Usually a cast is recommended to keep the broken bones immobile. If you look at the picture you'll see the problem with a cast solution, though. Depending on the bone it's going to be hard to keep it immobilized.

6. It depends on the severity of the injury. Usually you'll see improvement in two weeks if it's immobilized, but in this case it's a matter of gritting down and bearing the pain.

7. Methods of external fixation for treating distal radial fractures in adults In older people, a 'broken wrist' (from a fracture at the lower end of the two forearm bones) can result from a fall onto an outstretched hand.

Article Source: www.articlesbase.com

Skin Care Cream Basics

As more and more beauty products saturate the market, one of the leading selections gracing the shelves of department stores, pharmacies, and grocery stores is skin care cream. While the face might be the first part of the body one may associate with skin cream, there are numerous options created to take care of a wide range of body parts, from head to toe.

With skin care products, various ingredients are added to treat, improve, or control specific parts of the body, as well as the skin conditions that may arise.

The aim of skin care cream is to find a brand name or merchandise item that both satisfies your needs and makes you feel good after using it. Below, you will find a brief description regarding some of the most popular kinds of skin care cream:

Face Care Cream: there are several occurrences that can take place on the skin that affect individuals of all ages. The most common concerns regarding the face include dry skin, wrinkles, and acne. For instance, the unsightly outbreak of pimples that comes with an acne flare-up is part of an inflammatory disease that attacks the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the skin.

In response to this irritating condition, there are plenty of skin care creams available that help unclog pores and tighten the skin, as well as clarify its appearance. Today, an increasingly popular approach to acne skin care cream involves the use of herbal, all-natural ingredients.

In this day, it is also the hope of many to achieve a more youthful appearance by eliminating the signs of age that develop on the face. Excessive sun exposure or improper skin care will show in time, causing many to turn to an anti-wrinkle skin care cream or one that helps ease the look of aging.

Numerous products from Oil of Olay to Neutrogena provide skin care creams for the face that accommodate many different skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive.

Before purchasing skin care cream for the face, you should know that not every ingredient or product will provide the desired results you seek. In fact, some creams have the potential to make matters worse by causing allergic reactions or skin irritations.

This is why it is important to test a small amount of product on an indiscreet part of the face before slathering on a full application.

Hand Cream: skin care cream for the hands is important to keep handy because there is nothing worse than displaying a pair of dry, scaly, or cracked hands. To avoid this unattractive sight, using cream on a daily basis is required to keep hands hydrated and looking youthful. Signs of age can also appear on the hands in the form of age spots and wrinkles. The more moisture they have, the less susceptible they will be to the wear and tear of everyday use.

Some individuals find that their hands demand moisture and hydration because of a skin condition they may have developed. Skin eczema creates redness, as well as a cracked or chapped appearance.

Aside from finding a soothing hand skin care cream, you must also get to the bottom of the source of your skin irritation. Often, it could be the kind of soap or detergent you use, as well as frequent sessions of hand washing. Hand creams are the best way to keep this part of the body hydrated.

Usually, decent skin care cream products for the hands will offer some sort of rejuvenating oil, as well as coconut, almond, or honey ingredients, which are known to not only moisturize the skin, but also act as protection from the elements.

Skin Care Cream for the Feet: when it comes to the feet, taking care of this part of the body is just as important as paying attention to the face and hands. Some skin care creams are especially made to tend to the tops of the feet, as well as the heel, which has the potential to become extremely cracked and irritated.

Itchiness may also accompany a foot that is in need of serious moisturizing. Using a skin care cream for the feet is also highly recommended for during the winter season, when damage is most likely to happen. When looking for a good skin care cream for the feet, seek out products that contain peppermint, vitamin E, rosemary or other essential oils that help to restore softness and smoothness to the skin.

As you scan the shelves of the local supermarket or order a few products from the Internet, there is an assortment of skin care cream options to consider for nearly every part of the body.

For instance, stretch marks that develop during a pregnancy or rapid weight gain can be treated with the use of skin care creams. Some skin creams are made to combat the appearance of cellulite.

In any case, just remember that for whatever reason you use cream, there is always a better and newer product waiting in the wings to satisfy your skin care needs.

Article Source: www.articlesbase.com

Why Do I Have so Many Hand Wrinkles?

Have you taken a look down at your hands recently and wondered where all of those wrinkles came from? Surely, they weren't there before! Although hand wrinkles are very common with age, limiting their appearance is a great way of helping to appear younger and maintain healthy looking skin. In order to understand how you can help to get rid of hand wrinkles, let's examine how they are caused and why they form.

As you age and frolic about through your days in the sun, your skin is absorbing the sun's warm rays. However, as part of these rays are the damaging ultra-violet rays. These rays damage the skin, and are a major player in the physical changes that occur with age. Other factors include your own eating and exercise habits, which determine the health of the skin and its ability to maintain itself. Also, with age the elasticity of the skin decreases. As the elasticity decreases, wrinkles become more common and easier to form on various parts of the skin; with the most visible being certain areas near the eyes, on the face, and on the hands.

Why exactly do you have hand wrinkles? Well many of the wrinkles in our skin is completely natural and healthy. It's just a fact of life. Skin is the largest organ in our body and they are living cells, not some sort of elastic material wrapped and formed to our bodies. Most of the wrinkles in the hands are simply caused due to the nature of skin itself and the unique bone structure in the hands.

Other wrinkles are simply the result of time. These are the wrinkles that you notice seem to keep appearing and growing larger as you grow older. These are caused by the factors mentioned above including UV rays, the loss of elasticity, and poor nutrition. These sort of wrinkles you can help to limit.

The best way of fighting any wrinkles is to maintain a healthy diet. Providing the skin with the nutrition it needs, such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, is the best way to allow the skin to maintain itself naturally. Also, you have to be sure to treat the skin right. Clean the skin often and treat it with moisturizers and anti-aging hand creams. Anti-aging creams are great ways of helping to maintain healthy, youthful appearing skin.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

Caring for Hands

Hands play an important role in communication and most visible parts of you, but they also take a lot of abuse.Your hands are probably on view a lot more often than you realize. Hands tell you how you lead your life and how you take care of your body and skin. Take good care of your hands. The skin on the backs of your hands has few oil glands so it shrivels and chaps easily upon exposure especially around the joints. Protect skin with gloves in winters and use moisturizer and sunscreen all year round. Moisturize your hands at least four times a day. Wear rubber gloves while working at home and in the garden. Protect and prevent your hands from aging and abuse. Protect your hands from the ravages of changing weather.

Always use gloves for washing clothes and utensils soak hands in a bowl of warm water to which 1 tsp of corn starch has been added for 5 minutes daily after finishing the house-hold chores. Use hand cream often and keep a bottle of it every where you visit frequently such as bathroom or vanity, kitchen and bedroom. Mix glycerin, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and use it to massage your hands every other day. Exfoliate the hands at least once a week with a nice face exfoliater. One can also use weekly the night face cream on the hands before going to bed. For soft and beautiful hands, apply Vaseline or any other good moisturizer before going to bed. Hand exercise not only stimulates proper circulation, it also helps in maintaining the perfect shape of hand and fingers.

Finger is also part of your hand. finger massage is using four fingers from the opposite hand, start at the top of the finger and knead your way down to the tip of each finger. A paraffin bath which heats therapy for hands relief from muscle tension, and moisturizes dry hands can be really good. Hand care is something that you can do at home. The best way to take care of your hands is use our hands to do all the work in and outside the house many of us pay very little attention to taking care of them. If one is having dry skin, then one should scrub the hands under lukewarm salt water. It is an effective home exfoliater for dry skin hands. After scrubbing, massage the hands with a good moisturizer.

Article Source: www.articlesbase.com

Beautiful Hands - Skin Care Tips for Beautiful Hands

The care should be taken about these useful hands. Your great deal of personality is revealed by beautiful hands.

Well cared hands are noticed and admired by all. There are three points which can make our hands beautiful which are soft skin, beautiful nails and pretty fingers. Our hands are under direct attack from water, chemicals and vegetables etc.

Always use gloves for washing clothes and utensils soak hands in a bowl of warm water to which 1 tsp of corn starch has been added for 5 minutes daily after finishing the house-hold chores. Use hand cream often and keep a bottle of it every where you visit frequently such as bathroom or vanity, kitchen and bedroom. Mix glycerin, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and use it to massage your hands every other day. Exfoliate the hands at least once a week with a nice face exfoliater. One can also use weekly the night face cream on the hands before going to bed. For soft and beautiful hands, apply Vaseline or any other good moisturizer before going to bed. Hand exercise not only stimulates proper circulation, it also helps in maintaining the perfect shape of hand and fingers.

Finger is also part of your hand. finger massage is using four fingers from the opposite hand, start at the top of the finger and knead your way down to the tip of each finger. A paraffin bath which heats therapy for hands relief from muscle tension, and moisturizes dry hands can be really good. Hand care is something that you can do at home. The best way to take care of your hands is use our hands to do all the work in and outside the house many of us pay very little attention to taking care of them. If one is having dry skin, then one should scrub the hands under lukewarm salt water. It is an effective home exfoliater for dry skin hands. After scrubbing, massage the hands with a good moisturizer. Here are a few ways in which you can take care of the skin of your hand.

* Moisturize your hands as many times as you can in a day. Dry skin looks wrinkled and can easily be damaged.
* Wear gloves while washing dishes, dealing with chemicals and while gardening.
* Protect the skin on your hands from the sun.
*Treat yourself to a paraffin treatment. Your hands will be softer and the warm wax will also increase blood circulation and allow for the restoration of improved skin color and ease any joint stiffness.
* Apply a mixture of one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil to slightly damp clean hands. Put on plastic gloves and cover with cotton gloves for thirty minutes. The heat will help the treatment to penetrate.
* Microwave a cup of milk for 30 seconds (or until comfortably warm to the touch) and soak hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate skin.
*Apply petroleum jelly to hands and cover with cotton gloves while you sleep through the night.

Article Source: www.articlesbase.com

Skin Care For The Hands

Our hands can take one heck of a beating during the course of a normal workday. Regardless of what kind of work you do, the skin of you hands is exposed to bacteria, dirt, and chemicals. Properly caring for your hands can help to prevent premature skin aging and help to keep you healthy.

Our parents had it right when they would remind us to wash our hands. The first rule of thumb when it comes to caring for your hands is to keep them clean. The skin is a waterproof organ so getting it wet will not damage it in any way. Regular hand washing can reduce our exposure to many types of communicable health problems like the flu and the common cold. Using soap helps to break down the natural surface tension of water and aids in removing dirt and bacteria. Antibacterial soaps can be effective but any good hand soap will do since the trick is to wash your hands for at least twenty seconds. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean cloth or paper towel or, if you prefer, use a warm air hand dryer.

If preventing dry skin and keeping your hands soft and supple is important, the time to use a moisturizer is right after you wash them. Some harsh hand soaps and cleaners can dry out the skin and hand creams and lotions do little to add moisture to the skin. What these products are good for is keeping moisture in the skin by slowing down the rate of evaporation of sweat and retaining the skin natural moisture. Whether you prefer an expensive hand lotion or use the bargain brand really does not matter since even a light application of good old fashioned petroleum jelly will do the trick just as well as the pricey hand cream.

Washing dishes is always a chore and washing dishes by hand can be hard on your skin. The degreasing ingredients in many dishwashing liquids can really dry out your hands by washing away the oils in the skin. Some dishwashing liquids are less harsh than others but if you notice that your hands are dried and cracked after doing dishes, you might consider wearing rubber gloves. Gloves may take some getting used to but they do offer the best protection. Whether or not you use gloves, always wash your hands with a mild soap and apply some hand cream after your chore is complete.

Whether working in the garden or doing other types work around the house, garden gloves can save lots of wear and tear on your hands. Gloves can be especially important and are definitely required if you are working with any type insecticide or pesticide. Not only can these chemicals be hard on the skin but may cause adverse skin reactions. Even if you wear gloves, always wash your hands thoroughly to remove any traces of chemical residue. There are protective creams available that will help prevent chemicals from contacting the skin but these creams can be messy, especially in hot weather so gloves are still the best way to protect your skin.

Working on the family car or garden equipment like mowers and trimmers can leave you with grease on your hands. Never use solvents or petrochemical solutions to degrease your hands as these chemicals will de-fat the skin be flushing away the skins natural oils, and these chemicals can be very hazardous to your health. Instead, use a mild hand degreaser and then apply a moisturizing cream.

Many of us take time to care for our face and for the same reasons taking the time to care for your hands will pay off by helping to reduce the signs of premature skin aging.

Article Source: www.articlesbase.com

Hand Rub - How to apply hand cream

Product : L'occitane - Shea butter hand cream

Review Use : I love this hand cream!. This super-creamy balm penetrates quickly to protect, nourish and moisturize the skin. Honey, almond and coconut oil are blended with Shea Butter to create this unique and extremely effective moisturizer. With a very high content of shea butter, this hand treatment protects, nourishes and softens your hands.

Do Your Hands Make You Look Older?

When you hear about wrinkles and skin aging, your first thoughts are about face and neck. But the earliest signs of aging will show on your hands.

Often neglected, hands need to be regularly taken care of. Frequent contacts with water and chemicals, sun, cold weather, gardening - all put your skin under a big stress. While hands do not have many oil glands, they will give away your age earlier than your pampered face.

In the meantime, it has been noticed that after making eye contact, the next thing people pay attention to is your hands.

What can you do to keep your hands beautiful?

- Moisturize! Several times a day. Dry skin is easily injured and looks wrinkled.

- Protect your hands - wear gloves when gardening, washing dishes, or dealing with chemicals

- Use sun protection

- Keep your hands dry. Any water left on your hands will evaporate and dry out the skin.

- Give your hands a special treatment - herbal or oil bath - once in a while.

Here are a few suggestions for your next hand spa:

* Herbal hand bath

Bring 1 qt of water to boil and pour over 1 tbsp of herbs (you can use all of these or just one: chamomile, nettle, sage, coltsfoot, calendula). Let the infusion cool to 100-110F and soak your hands in it for about 15-20 minutes. Dry your hands thoroughly and apply a rich moisturizer.

* You can make your own nourishing hand cream.

Thoroughly mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 tbsp of unsalted butter. Add 1 tbsp of strong herbal infusion. This will make a very rich cream. It will take a while to absorb, but leave your hands silky and smooth.

* For dry skin use this hand treatment 1-2 times a week:
# 1 tbsp Glycerin
# 1 Egg yolk
# 2 tbsp vegetable oil (olive, almond, or another oil of your choice)
# Lemon Juice of 1 lemon
# 3 1/2 - 4 oz of an herbal infusion (for example: chamomile, calendula, elderflower) or rose water.

Other tips:

* Mashed potatoes (with milk) will make a great hand mask.
* When cooking with eggs, don't throw the eggshells away. Scrape out the remaining egg white and spread it over your hands.
* Rubbing your skin with a piece of lemon will give the skin a more even tone.
* After washing dishes or dealing with other alkali detergents, rinse your hands with sour milk or with vinegar-in-water solution (1 tbsp. vinegar per 2qt of water). This will help to restore pH balance of the skin.
* Keep your hands warm. Not only for the sake of better skin, but for your overall health. Flue and colds often start with cold hands.

Tip for gardeners:

- Before digging in the dirt, scratch a bar of soap with your nails. When you are done working, cleaning your hands will be so much easier!

Just like your skin and hair, your nails need moisture and conditioning too.

Here are few tips for better nails:

* If you use nail polish, do not use acetone polish removers.
* From time to time give your nails a break - let them be "naked" for a few days.
* For stronger nails, soak them in horsetail infusion.
* Olive oil that you probably have in your pantry will make a perfect strengthening nail bath (warm it first).
* Cuticles. Removing them is not always a good idea because it makes your nails more vulnerable to infections.

Yet, if you decide to do the procedure, prepare the nails first:
apply a rich cream to the cuticle area. soak your nails in warm soapy water for 5-6 minutes. After drying your hands, push the cuticles back and then carefully cut them off with small scissors.

As always, topical measures are not always enough, especially if you have brittle, split or dull nails.

There are vitamins that will help:

* Organic Silica - to speed up the growth, avoid brittle and split nails.
* Essential Fatty Acids - Omega 3-6, Primrose Oil, Borage Oil, Fish Oil - for healthy and strong nails.
* Vitamin B (particularly B5) - for healthy nails and skin.
* Chelated Iron - to avoid vertical ridges and spoon nails.
* MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) - provides building material for healthy cells.

For better absorption of vitamins and minerals, take digestive enzymes or bitters to stimulate digestion and help your body clean itself of toxins.

Whichever way you choose to care for your hands, even if it is just a hand lotion from your local grocery store, use it regularly. After all, doing so many things, your hands deserve care and attention.

The Author

(C) Natalie Katsman, 2003.
Learn skin care secrets, find out how to protect your skin and preserve its youthful and healthy appearance. Visit us at: http://www.Natural-Aid.com

Physical Beauty - Care Of The Hands

NO hands, as one authority on female beauty has declared, "reveal every hidden secret of the soul .... in their shape, texture and color" ? We doubt it. But they reveal themselves quickly enough as beautiful or the reverse. What is beauty of hand ? It is not so much the shape, just as in hair it is not the color, which counts here. Texture, skin quality and skin tint, the manner in which the hands are used, the nails, these determine their beauty. Nothing will give away your age quicker than the condition of your hands. Let’s take a look at some tips to try and hold off the ravages of time.

Care is what produces beautiful hands. If you are not your own manicurist then visit a professional one every week. Protect your hands against water by using gloves, rubber or canvas. Always have a cut of lemon handy to the sink. Whether you have a "psychic" or a merely plebeian hand, lemon juice removes stains, whitens the skin and cleans the nails. Vaseline, which keeps the nails from growing brittle, also makes up for the drying effect of hot dishwater.

Dish washing should always be followed by a vaseline or cold cream application. Always wear gloves when gardening, and use vanishing cream on them before you expose them to the bright sunshine or cold. A cold cream application before retiring and cotton gloves should accompany chapped hands into bed.

Red Hands.—When red hands are not caused by some trouble which calls for a doctor's care, use a good rich, cream massage, for it will help circulation if bad circulation is the reason. A mere surface redness may be treated by rubbing in some standard skin food, after washing with hot water and soap, and leaving it overnight.

The Ideal Hand.—The ideal hand has smooth, tapering fingers. If you have square or knotty fingers give them treatment for pressing out the ends. A soft, white skin, a firm palm, firm and supple wrists and well-kept nails and fingers are all possible of attainment by manicuring, massage and constant cleanliness. Hands should be neither too fat nor too thin. Regular diet in the first place, then massage and special exercises are correctives. This applies as well to fat wrists. Remember that, like the ideal face and figure, the ideal hand is only relatively so. There is a different style of hand for nearly every style of being, and there are as many different hands as there are face beauties.

Gloves.—Tight gloves will make your palms perspire, give your hands a pudgy look, and, if you wear them right along, will turn the hands red and mottled. Red hands often result from continual wearing of tight-fitting gloves. And—if you do not chemically clean your gloves after each wearing—your hands will grow dirty as soon as you put them on. Gloves which are not perfectly clean chap and coarsen the skin texture of the hand, and at times cause infections

A narrow palm is supposed to be a sign of a feeble temperament, one lacking imagination. A fairly generous palm shows imagination and a nature capable of greatly enjoying physical pleasures. Too large, broad and pronounced a palm denotes egoism and sensuality. Hard, thick palms, out of proportion to the rest of the hand, show an animal nature, void of intelligence. Knotty fingers mean originality, imagination and a scientific trend. Smooth, tapering fingers hint at aptitude in art and sentiment predominating over reason. Square fingers mean a sense of method and order. Spatulate fingers are a sign of ability, activity, tact and knowledge.


A woman's nails should have home attention, but this should be supplemented by occasional visits to the manicurist. Else it is impossible to keep them in perfect condition. You may use an orange stick or an ivory pusher to push back the cuticle from the nails (after it has been softened by cold cream or vaseline), but do not cut the cuticle yourself. This had far better be left to the professional. If you use the professional cutting tools you may easily cut and scar the surface of the nail, and weeks may elapse before the scar disappears. If the cuticle be cut constantly the edges grow hard and thick.

Manicuring.—Always see to it that your orange stick is well covered with absorbent cotton or a bit of silk. When you have shaped the external edge of the nails with a fine pair of scissors, finish with emery or a steel nail file. And always, before beginning to manicure your nails, soak them in hot soap water and cleanse with the nail brush. When you polish the nails, use paste first, and do not apply the powder till afterward. As a buffer you can use the palm of the other hand. A thorough "home" manicuring should be undertaken at least once a week.

There are many very satisfactory nail pastes and polishes on the market. A liquid polish is usually best for the nails, all the more if there is no paste foundation. Carmine, which gives a pleasing pink tint, should be the paste used. Never use the liquid varnishes which produce a sheen without the aid of the buffer. They have a deteriorating action on the nails themselves. You brush your teeth every night. It is just as easy to devote a few minutes to your nail cuticles as well.

The Nail Bleach —A good and simple nail bleach for use beneath the free edges of the nails is made by mixing an ounce of hydrogen peroxide with a quarterounce, respectively, of ammonia and lemon juice. Before polishing the nails wash out the bleach with hot water. Keep your manicuring tools in good condition, and throw away your orange stick as soon as it roughens. For a buffer, if you do not care to use your palm, buy a buffer frame and renew the chamois skin.

Bruised Nails —A hot water dip, with an overnight application of antiphlogiston, is good for bruised nails. The white nail spots which often result from a bruise will fade out slowly of themselves as a rule. Their departure can be hastened, however, by application of refined pitch and myrrh in equal parts.

Nail-Bite —The only real cure for nail biting is not to bite the nails. The application of tincture of myrrh is merely a reminder not to do so.

The Author

Michael Fortomas is a teacher of Biology and his Free Guide "151 Beauty Tips" is a look at specific tips, old and new, to help women meet the current perception of our societal definition of beauty. Visit http://1source-body-health.

Article Source: www.isnare.com

8 Tips: The Truth About Hand Care

Look at your hands now and tell yourself what you see?

Beautifull and gorgeous hands are so important.

Hands tells everything about yourself, how you live your life and love your body. They say that hands give a woman's age away, well so what! But gorgeous hands are the carriers of your personality, no matter in what situation and age you are.

You wear fancy designer clothes, imagine the negative effects if you combine these fancy clothes with abbandonded hands.

Look around you and see how hands are the centre of communication. At a party, or even a job interview, your hands are your business card.

Your hands are the ultimate tool invented ever, but you don’t realize how importants these tools are. You just use them all day; Shaking hands, cooking, doing your hair, feel, touch, work, write. Endless, think about this for a second.

And decide now, no matter what your age is, to treat them as your treasure.

* The skin of the hand is so thin, protect the skin.
* Pamper your hands with your personal hand lotion, 4 times a day.
* Exfoliate once a week with a face exfoliater.
* Use once a week your face night cream also on your hands before you go to sleep.
* Get accustomed to using rubber gloves whenever you do housework.
* Prevent your hands from aging or abusing.
* Protect your hands from dry weather as well as protecing them from the sun.
* Use daily a protective barrier.

With other words: The best way to take care of your hands is to protect them.

Credit By : www.pioneerthinking.com

Rose Hand Cream

Jurlique Rose Hand Cream A rich protective hand cream, rich in the living energy of rose, calendula and viola, to deeply moisturise and restore smoothness, leaving hands feeling soft and supple.

Dr.Hunter's Rosewater and Gllycerine Hand Cream

An enriched version of our classic formula of glycerine and rosewater that ranks among the best for conditioning hands, keeping them smooth and supple. 2.5 oz. metal tube, boxed.

L'occitance rose hand cream

This cream, enriched in Shea Butter and vitamin E, repairs, nourished and protects hands from daily aggressions. The hands are moisturized* and delicately perfumed with the fresh and slightly fruity fragrance of the Grasse rose, the Bulgarian rose, the Moroccan rose, and the Turkish rose.

Shea butter hand cream

L'occitane - Shea butter hand cream

A super-smoothing--and best-selling--synergy of 20% Shea Butter, honey and sweet almond extract, blended with the light and alluring aromas of jasmine and ylang-ylang essences. Texturally pleasing balm glides on and absorbs to help heal and protect dry or dehydrated skin. Anti-oxidizing vitamin E helps nourish. Invites even the most hard-working hands to a fresh beginning.

Mistral - Milk Shea Butter Hand cream

Mistral Milk Hand Cream with Shea Butter. Like fresh sprinkled baby powder, this delicate and comforting fragrance carries you back to innocence. This blend of mimosa, white musk and cedarwood is enriched with milk proteins, making it excellent for extra dry and even sensitive skin. This soothing scent is added to Mistral Shea Butter which is enriched with calendula flower extract, a plant that soothes skin irritation and promotes healing. Shea butter treats chapped lips, problem cuticles, sunburn, dry hands and even hair. Enjoy the benefits of Mistral Milk Shea Butter and experience softer, more supple skin.

  • Enriched with 10% pure shea butter and 10% pure olive oil
  • Intensive treatment for dry or chapped hands
  • Fast-absorbing, non-greasy formula
  • Shea butter cream leaves the skin noticeably smoother and softer

PRE de PROVENCE- shea butter hand cream

With a hearty 20% shea butter, this thick, rich hand cream is an everyday luxury. Very moisturizing and nourishing to keep your hands soft. Each package contains a full 2.5 fluid ounces in a nice metal tube.

Choose from three soothing fragrances: Floral, beautiful and subtle, redolent with essential oils from African flowers and fruits; Lavender, infused with classic, calming lavender essential oil; or Verbena, lightly scented with verbena perfume.

LoLLiA Shea Butter Hand Cream

Botanically lush hand creme with rich ingredients.
Macadamia Nut and Avocado Oils are blended to comfort and soothe skin. Beneficial hydrating extracts of Aloe and Shea Butter lightly moisturize while delicate floral infusions of peony and white lily leave skin deliciously soft and fresh.

Physical Beauty - Care of the Hands

NO hands, as one authority on female beauty has declared, "reveal every hidden secret of the soul .... in their shape, texture and color?" We doubt it. But they reveal themselves quickly enough as beautiful or the reverse. What is beauty of hand? It is not so much the shape, just as in hair it is not the color, which counts here. Texture, skin quality and skin tint, the manner in which the hands are used, the nails, these determine their beauty.

Care is what produces beautiful hands. If you are not your own manicurist then visit a professional one every week. Protect your hands against water by using gloves, rubber or canvas. Always have a cut of lemon handy to the sink. Whether you have a "psychic" or a merely plebeian hand, lemon juice removes stains, whitens the skin and cleans the nails. Vaseline, which keeps the nails from growing brittle, also makes up for the drying effect of hot dishwater. Dish washing should always be followed by a vaseline or cold cream application. Always wear gloves when gardening, and use vanishing cream on them before you expose them to the bright sunshine or cold. A cold cream application before retiring and cotton gloves should accompany chapped hands into bed.

Red Hands

When red hands are not caused by some trouble which calls for a doctor's care, use a good rich, cream massage, for it will help circulation if bad circulation is the reason. A mere surface redness may be treated by rubbing in some standard skin food, after washing with hot water and soap, and leaving it overnight.

The Ideal Hand

The ideal hand has smooth, tapering fingers. If you have square or knotty fingers give them treatment for pressing out the ends. A soft, white skin, a firm palm, firm and supple wrists and well-kept nails and fingers are all possible of attainment by manicuring, massage and constant cleanliness. Hands should be neither too fat nor too thin. Regular diet in the first place, then massage and special exercises are correctives. This applies as well to fat wrists. Remember that, like the ideal face and figure, the ideal hand is only relatively so. There is a different style of hand for nearly every style of being, and there are as many different hands as there are face beauties.


Tight gloves will make your palms perspire, give your hands a pudgy look, and, if you wear them right along, will turn the hands red and mottled. Red hands often result from continual wearing of tight-fitting gloves. And—if you do not chemically clean your gloves after each wearing—your hands will grow dirty as soon as you put them on. Gloves which are not perfectly clean chap and coarsen the skin texture of the hand, and at times cause infections

A narrow palm is supposed to be a sign of a feeble temperament, one lacking imagination. A fairly generous palm shows imagination and a nature capable of greatly enjoying physical pleasures. Too large, broad and pronounced a palm denotes egoism and sensuality. Hard, thick palms, out of proportion to the rest of the hand, show an animal nature, void of intelligence. Knotty fingers mean originality, imagination and a scientific trend. Smooth, tapering fingers hint at aptitude in art and sentiment predominating over reason. Square fingers mean a sense of method and order. Spatulate fingers are a sign of ability, activity, tact and knowledge.


A woman's nails should have home attention, but this should be supplemented by occasional visits to the manicurist. Else it is impossible to keep them in perfect condition. You may use an orange stick or an ivory pusher to push back the cuticle from the nails (after it has been softened by cold cream or vaseline), but do not cut the cuticle yourself. This had far better be left to the professional. If you use the professional cutting tools you may easily cut and scar the surface of the nail, and weeks may elapse before the scar disappears. If the cuticle be cut constantly the edges grow hard and thick.


Always see to it that your orange stick is well covered with absorbent cotton or a bit of silk. When you have shaped the external edge of the nails with a fine pair of scissors, finish with emery or a steel nail file. And always, before beginning to manicure your nails, soak them in hot soap water and cleanse with the nail brush. When you polish the nails, use paste first, and do not apply the powder till afterward. As a buffer you can use the palm of the other hand. A thorough "home" manicuring should be undertaken at least once a week.

There are many very satisfactory nail pastes and polishes on the market. A liquid polish is usually best for the nails, all the more if there is no paste foundation. Carmine, which gives a pleasing pink tint, should be the paste used. Never use the liquid varnishes which produce a sheen without the aid of the buffer. They have a deteriorating action on the nails themselves. You brush your teeth every night. It is just as easy to devote a few minutes to your nail cuticles as well.

The Nail Bleach

A good and simple nail bleach for use beneath the free edges of the nails is made by mixing an ounce of hydrogen peroxide with a quarterounce, respectively, of ammonia and lemon juice. Before polishing the nails wash out the bleach with hot water. Keep your manicuring tools in good condition, and throw away your orange stick as soon as it roughens. For a buffer, if you do not care to use your palm, buy a buffer frame and renew the chamois skin.

Bruised Nails

A hot water dip, with an overnight application of antiphlogiston, is good for bruised nails. The white nail spots which often result from a bruise will fade out slowly of themselves as a rule. Their departure can be hastened, however, by application of refined pitch and myrrh in equal parts.


The only real cure for nail biting is not to bite the nails. The application of tincture of myrrh is merely a reminder not to do so.

Michael Fortomas is a teacher of Biology and his Free Guide "151 Beauty Tips" is a look at specific tips, old and new, to help women meet the current perception of our societal definition of beauty. Visit http://1source-body-health.com/beautysecrets.html

What Kind of Anti-Aging Hand Creams Are Effective?

An anti aging hand cream is an important part of any health and beauty regimen. The hands experience much greater wear and tear during normal daily routines than other parts of the body. So, cosmetics that target the hands should contain specifically formulated ingredients.

Keratin proteins are the major structural component of the outermost of the skin's layers, as well as the fingernails and the hair. Many cosmetic companies have attempted to use keratin protein in anti aging hand cream and other lotions, but in nature, the protein is hard and not water soluble.

The harsh manufacturing method that most manufacturers use to make keratin soluble denaturalizes the protein, so it cannot effectively be used by the skin. One manufacture, the KERATEC Company, has come up with a patented manufacturing process that creates a keratin emulsion that can penetrate deeply through many of the skin's layers.

They named their emulsion Functional Keratin and it can be found in an effective anti aging hand cream and body lotion, but you won't see it at the department store cosmetic counters. It is extracted from wool, rather than animal hooves and similar parts.

Both the wool and the manufacturing process are too expensive for most cosmetic companies to consider. They would rather use less effective inexpensive ingredients and put them in a fancy bottle with a fashion designer's name on it.

Independent research conducted in Barcelona showed that Functional Keratin has a high content of several amino acids. Long term clinical studies were conducted using volunteers suffering from detergent-induced contact dermatitis. Mostly, they were dishwashers.

If an anti aging hand cream can correct dermatitis, the symptoms of which are redness, peeling, cracking and eventually wrinkling, then it will definitely work for the average person. The researchers found that Functional Keratin improved the moisture and elasticity of the skin on the hands, with regular topical application.

The best anti aging hand cream that I have found is actually a body lotion. It's rather expensive for use on the whole body, but I can use it regularly on my hands and I've noticed quite a difference.

My hands were starting to look like my grandmothers. The skin was loose and wrinkled looking. I'm an "outdoorsy type" by nature and over the years, I really neglected my hands. The anti aging hand cream and body lotion that I use contains the new Functional Keratin, along with a number of other active ingredients.

It's not sold in stores. You can only buy it direct from the manufacturer. KERATEC doesn't sell to individual consumers, only to companies that have their own line of skincare products.

You see, Functional Keratin is only one important ingredient in anti aging hand cream. You need vitamin E, but COQ10 has proven to be even more effective. Honey has been used for hundreds, possibly thousands of years to heal skin damage.

Olive oil, grape seed oil and jojoba wax are also important for anti aging hand cream. You may have to do a little searching to find the product that I use, but if your hands look like mine used to, it's worth the effort.

I have tried different skin care and anti aging products and my research shows that the best skin care line should be safe to use, effective on your skin and contain the latest breakthrough natural ingredients, get more information at: http://www.best-skin-care-line.com

Hand Skin Care

During the day our hands are exposed to constant aggression from external factors, such as water, cold weather, sun exposure, daily chores...Hand skin care is very important if we want to avoid old and wrinkled hands before our time.

We are exposing our hands to others all the time, and it can create a good impression if they are well looked after. For hand skin care we could go to a beauty salon or spa and leave the professionals take good care of our hands with a specialized hand care treatment. But if we don't have the money or the time to go to a beauty salon, then taking care of our hands at home is really easy.

Apart from wearing sunscreen in your face and neck, apply it also in your hands to protect them from sunspots and wrinkles. Use a good hand moisturizer daily and every time you feel your skin dry and tight. It is also very effective to bathe them in natural products at least three times a week to keep your hands soft and moisturized.

Hand Skin Care Recipes

1- How to get soft hands with cacao cream

You will need two spoons of cacao cream, two spoons of almond oil and a liquidized cucumber. Melt the cacao cream and add the almond oil and the cucumber. Mix well all the ingredients and use it as a hand care cream, applying it with a massage. Add more almond oil to the mixture, and bathe your hands on it for five minutes to intensify the effect.

2- Olive oil hand care

Rub your hands with warm olive oil, leave it on for about five minutes and rinse off with warm water and natural soap. For an intensive hand care treatment leave it overnight, but wear some cotton gloves.

3- Hand skin care with milk

You will need a glass of milk and lemon juice. Warm the milk and add the lemon juice. Mix well and leave your hands in this mixture for about ten minutes. Avoid if you have any cuts or wounds in your hands.

4- Oats hand mask

You will need a glass of water, one spoon of oats flour, olive oil and glycerin. Mix all the ingredients until consistent. Apply the resulting paste over the hands with a massage. Leave it on for twenty five minutes and rinse off with warm water and natural soap. This oats hand mask will regenerate the hands and get rid of any hand redness.

5- Hand honey mask

You will need one potato, two spoons of milk and two spoons of honey. Peel and boil the potato. Mash the potato and mix it with the honey and milk. Apply this mixture to the hands with a massage and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Rinse off with warm water and natural soap. This hand skin care recipe will nourish and rejuvenate the hands.

For more information in skin care, please visit http://www.anti-aging-skin-care-guide.com We are passionate about all things related to skin care, specially anti aging skin care and offer advice, home made beauty tips, anti aging skin treatments and the best deals on skin care products to improve your skin condition. If you would like to keep up with the latest skin care and beauty news, please subscribe to my newsletter "better skin" at http://www.anti-aging-skin-care-guide.com/better-skin.html